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Exams! Managing emotions at times of stress

FREE webinar for parents, students and teachers. Find out how to help the young people in your life manage their emotions during exam season.

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Course Contents

Exam season has begun! Are you a parent or teacher who would like to know how to help the young people in your life manage their emotions at this stressful time?  Are you a student looking for ways to feel calmer and more focused as your exams approach?

If so, sign up for this free 45-minute webinar,  Exams! Managing emotions at times of stress.

This interactive webinar is led by Nicky Odgers, Educational Psychologist.

Location of Next Course

The next course is going to be Virtual, please check the resources.


Nicky Odgers

Nicky Odgers is an educational psychologist, based in Cambridge, UK. She has worked as a senior educational psychologist for a Local Authority and is now working in private practice. She has a particular interest  in supporting children who are anxious about attending school.

During her time at the Local Authority she led a project developing county wide guidance for schools and parents to support children with emotionally based school avoidance (EBSA). Nicky also oversaw the introduction of ELSA training, with nearly 200 ELSAs being trained in the first 2 years.

Nicky trained as a secondary teacher at the University of Cambridge, before completing her educational psychology professional qualification at UCL in 2000. Through her extensive involvement in school governance, she has a detailed knowledge of school systems and how these can be used to support children experiencing difficulties. She has an MEd in Education Leadership and School Improvement from Cambridge University (Distinction).


Upcoming Courses

The following upcoming courses are confirmed.